Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I love Wednesday!  I love Wednesday!  I love Wednesday!  :)  The time I spend with her just gets better and better.

We opted out of OOF for some random reason today...not really sure why.  I asked Miss Mak what she wanted to do and Air Zone was her response.  We've never been there, she's never been there, but knew that it was a place for kids.  She's a smart one and had a ball.
We took Panera to my grandparents for a quick bite and then headed to Hobby Lobby to get some crafts!  I swear- my kids could live in Hobby Lobby.  Not kidding- they L.O.V.E. that place. 

Craft time ended and we picked up Bennett from school.  I thought it'd be a great afternoon to venture out with both kids, by myself, to OOF for a few hours.  OMG- SOOO. MUCH. FUN!!!!  Best decision ever.  Can't wait to do it again! 
I took a few videos of the kids on my phone, but strangely- didn't take my camera.  Weird, I know. Bennett was beyond ecstatic, so much so that he literally couldn't contain his excitement.  He'd say, "Berlow, mi-mi, mi-mi!  Mama, berlow...Buddy, berlow.  Mi-mi!"  This translates into, "Water (pool)- more, more.  Mommy's in the pool....Bubba's in the pool.  More.  Again!!!" Um- sure love their faces a whole boat load.

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