Saturday, August 27, 2011


...It's short for Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.  It's also short for horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day...times like- 15.  We had play date after play date.  We'd been to Gymboree.  He'd been at school.  I'm sure his germs were spread nicely all over the northern sections of KC.  Oops!  I had NO idea that he was even remotely sick.  Bad mommy.

I had noticed he had a few blister lookin' things on his heels, but I didn't really pay attention.  His appetite was just so-so, but I didn't really pay attention.  He was knawing on his fingers, but I didn't really pay attention.  He was a bit warm, BUT.... yea- I didn't really pay attention.  Three out of those four symptons point directly to teeth!  He's due for his two year molars any day now, so that's what I was saying.  However, come Friday morning- his whittle hiney was so badly damaged with blisters/sores, I knew something was up.  Then they appeared around his lips and below his nose, on his hands, even more on his feet, even between his toes.  Googled what I thought it might be- jackpot.  I hit the nail on the head.  After a convo with the nurse, a few warning emails to friends, and some major cuddle time, we were on the mend.

With all of that being said, there is also something good to come of it as well!  I decided to see if potty training might take hold, since he wasn't wearing his diapers.  And guess what?!?!?!?!  It did.  No joke.  Within the hard core three or four days we stayed home, he successfully kept going on the potty.  It was remarkable!  I took him to Zona Rosa, he went there.  I took him to HyVee, he went there.  I took him to WOF (for 3 hours)...he went there!  And the poor thing...he wore big sister's panties all week long before I actually went and bought him his own big boy underwear.  He didn't seem to mind, in fact his favorites were the pink ones with the doggy. :)

He had a few spots around his mouth in this picture.
And here's his rear end.  I was trying to let it air dry a bit, while he played in the sprinkler.  The picture looks much better than it actually was.  But seriously- how cute are those buns?!  He may look like Daddy in the face, but I have a feeling he's built like a VanDever.  Saddlebags and all. :)
A few pictures of him in his girlie drawers.
Here's a picture of him after he had gone pee pee and poo poo in the big boy potty for the first time!  Not even 23 months and using the toilet. 

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