Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of Pre K!

Sweet baby girl is in preschool.  Like, really- in preschool.  Pre K to be exact.  She is SOO ready for it, it's not even funny.  She goes four days a week, Mon- Thurs mornings.  But then we decided to extend it two of those days for a little better transition into kindergarten.  Two full days, two half- I think it'll be perfect. 

Bennett thought he was going too.

Makenna was beside herself- literally could not wait to get in the car.

A bit of both...

And she really didn't care that I was there to drop her off. 

After I picked her up and buckled her in, I asked her what kinds of things she did on her very first day!?...Her respone- Mommmmmmmmmmm.  I don't remember.  (Enforcing an annoyed 'why'd-you-even-ask-me-that' type tone.  Wow.)  I assume it was great.  I blame her father for her attitude. :)

There was a bit of excitement after we came home.  We found a fuzzy caterpillar on our front porch...what a perfect time for a little science lesson.  Makenna wanted to put him on a leaf in the tree, so he could be with his other little caterpillar friends.  She was concerned that he needed to make his cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly.  She's such a caring soul.

Bennett only wanted to squish it and say "Bye bye bubber-why."  That sounds funny, but really he was being so sweet and totally innocent.  Makenna kept talking about it turning into a butterfly, so he was assuming that's what it was-ish.

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