Thursday, September 8, 2011

Molluscum Contagiosum

I am absolutely ECSTATIC to be writing this particular post, btw.  Seriously.  I'm not being facetious.

If you're not sure what the title means/is, google it.  Wikipedia will fill you in on all the juicy details.  Basically though, it's a virus in children that is spread very easily, lasts anywhere between six months and two years, and "runs it's course."  Dont'cha just love those words!? 

Makenna had a few spots show up last year around this time on her ankle.  I had heard about the virus through a few other moms, so I kind-of knew what it maybe was.  I remember asking my girlfriend at a Halloween party if what Mak had on her ankle looked familiar.  Sure enough- her (expertise) diagnosis...Molluscum Contagiosum.  The spots spread quite quickly after that.  On her leg, on her rear, on her inner thigh, and she had a few on her belly.  They were horrible awful.  Disgusting actually, and so bothersome for her.  They'd get irratated and itch, they'd hurt, not to mention I was sad about the way they looked too.  That was just me being a mom- thinking only about cosmetics. We tried a natural oil mixture for some time that we didn't feel like was helping much.  By late spring, I set up an appointment with the dermotologist.  His words were something like, "Yep- that's what it is."  (with a sad face and I-can't-do-anything-to-help type tone.)  He mentioned all of the above facts that I had already found out via the internet, but did have a "prescription" that would either totally help, or totally not.  Her little receptors in her body didn't care for it, unfortunately.  And so.... we dealt with it at it's (what I thought it to be) peak.

It is now the middle of September, almost a year after I first noticed the wort-lookin' spots and they are GONE! G.O.N.E! Gone, gone, gone.  Can you hear me screaming it- GOOOOOONNNNNEEE!

I am so thankful that we do have happy, healthy children.  Even though this was so not a big deal, it still can put things into perspective.  Having to worry about something everyday with your child, trying to treat it, not having any luck, having people ask questions or look with questioning eyes, makes for a long 365 days.  I was so embarrased for her.  I know it sounds so miniscule, but for me- it was something I dealt with.  Sweet baby girl- I hope this is the least of her worries. 

Bye bye Mollumscum Contagiosum.  Good riddance.
(PS- I did not take one tiny bit of a snapshot of any of her spots.  It wasn't really a memory I wanted to make.)

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