Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving (and a bit of Christmas cheer) in Iowa

We made our way up to Iowa again for Thanksgiving. It's nice to get up there at least a few times in the fall because typically the winters are crazy insane with weather and such.  This year we decided to do Christmas as well, which was a nice change up.  It made me get all nice and organized for the upcoming holiday season.  I started my list early, got my shopping all in order, and even decorated the house when we came back!  I love feeling on top of it- even if that means I pull all nighters.  Totally kidding of course- haven't done that in years!!!

We stopped for a restroom break in Lamoni.  Miss Mak saw these cows and wanted to go take a picture.  Hence, Exhibit A.

Exhibit A

The Dohrmann Men- doing what they do while the Dohrmann women are in the kitchen.

And before we sat down to the yummy spread Irene so graciously prepared, we asked Makenna what she was thankful for.  Without any prompting (or even discussing beforehand) she said, "For you, and you, and you, and you..." as she pointed around the table.  I could have quite easily had tears in my eyes, but I held them back.  It couldn't have been sweeter if we had scripted it.

Here's Ron Burgandy (aka Ben's brother in law, Adam).  He's hilarious with his Movember stache.  We had a lot of fun with all of his different nick names.
Their sweet family. Will is now a year old.  Happy Birthday Baby Boy!
For my sister in law Jill- here's a keeper!! :)  I said I wouldn't post it on FB, but the blog!? that's a different story!
Group shot of the cousins before opening Christmas presents!
Daddy showing Bennett a new ABC book about Iowa.
Makenna had said she was going to ask Santa for this puppy, but Grandma and Grandpa gave it to her instead!  She was in doggy Heaven.  Her exact quote, "This is what I've always wanted!"
A great picture of Cael.
And I have very few pictures of Brian...thought I'd make sure to document him too. :)  This is so him...or as I see him at least.
The kids loved it!
And last but most CERTAINLY not least, our man showing off his tickets to the gun show.  What a little ham-mer.  And look at those boxer briefs!  Such a stud.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I guess I don't look too bad :)