Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Dance Program

Unfortunately, Miss Makenna had a double ear infection the day of her actual performance.  Sooo, we opted for Plan B.  Plan B was to perform with another class.  It went swimmingly.  She paired up with a group of girls and did all the right moves.  She knows how to shake her groove thang.

On most of her songs, not only was she dancing, but belting it out too!  Jammin'.  She's her mother's daughter.  ;)  And don't you think this skirt looks huge?!  For one, she's in a class for kindergarteners...and for two, she's tiny.  Guess that's what'cha get!
Here's Miss Jennifer- we don't usually get to see her anymore, but for the Christmas program we did!
Great Grandma and Grandpa were there.  Grandma Marsha was there- and another hundred other spectators!  What a great show. I love watching her perform...she's simply adorable.  She just beams.

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