Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Seeing Santa

If you can believe this, I'm pretty sure this is the first.time.ever.we've.gone.to.see.Santa!  In years past, we've always been somewhere where he happened to be.  We actually stood in line and paid money-the whole nine yeards.  The kids rode the train over and over and over again (for FREE!) and saw the 'ole St. Nick.  I wasn't sure about Bennett's reaction, but never fear- he marched his little fanny right up to him and said, "red choo choo train".  Actually, he probably said what sounded like, "re doo doo drain"...but still- same diff.  Makenna said she wanted a pink sparkley unicorn and rollarskates.  They sat on his lap and posed for the picture as if happened every day.  Easy schmeezy.

On the way home she asked if that was the 'real Santa.' Uh- wasn't ready for that one!  It totally caught me off guard, but I think we successfully made it through! Whew!  For you parents that have younger children than me, answer those types of questions with "What do you think!?"

And yes, of course- they had on shirts from Heather.  Why wouldn't they?!
I thought we might take a walk down memory lane.

-Makenna's First Christmas 2007, 10 months
-Makenna's Second Christmas 2008, 21 months.  The only reason she even got close was to quickly grab the candy cane!
-Makenna's Third Christmas, Bennett's First 2009.  She was 33 months and he was five weeks old.  She wasn't going to see him at ALL this year, but because Bennett had done it, then she said she would.  It was definitely a fight though....and she WOULD NOT sit on his lap!
-Makenna's Fourth Christmas and Bennett's Second, 2010.  We had gone to Christmas on the River down in Parkville.  I guess we sorta stood in line to see Santa then.  Mak was great and so was Bennett, although the look he's giving Santa is one of uncertainty. Good thing Daddy's holding him.  I didn't have my camera, so this pic is really bad- could be cute, but notsomuch.  It's so tiny.

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