Wednesday, December 7, 2011


She is really starting to write great things for a four year old.  She listens to the sound of the letter and then writes it.  Phonetically, she is so there!  Here are a few examples I didn't want to ever forget.

(I may have already blogged about this, but I've forgotten and didn't want to look for it.)
There was one day back in mid-September that I was upstairs and came downstairs to this letter.  She was pretending to have received this note from Jax.  I really wish I would have taken a picture.

Makenna i m s u lv Jax

It reads, "Makenna, I miss you.  Love, Jax."  Is that not the sweetest?!

And then we were in Hobby Lobby looking at the Christmas things.  She found a red bell on the floor and knew that it just had to be from Santa's sleigh- that he had dropped it and was missing it quite badly!  She was extremely concerned.  She wrote this note.

Santa, I want you to have this bell. 

Such a sweet baby girl.

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