Monday, December 5, 2011

Go away germs.

We've been extra busy with sickness this particular season for some reason.  Not sure why, but I suppose we're all getting stronger immune systems because of it!  For that, I'm thankful.  Now don't ask me if I'm thankful at 3:30 in the morning while I'm giving my daughter a bath and stripping sheets to put in the wash!

It all started with minor colds. It spread to all four of us, on seperate occasions though.  Miss Mak had it one week, then Bennett the next...etc, etc.  Then it went into Makenna having a 24 hour vomiting session, but a temp to follow for the next 3-4 days.  Lil Man dodged that one, but then came down with impetigo.  Boy- was that nasty, nasty, nasty!  We went to the doctor twice for him. He had a topical cream, an antibiotic, and I had to soak off his scabs three times a day for four days!  He now has light purple-colored scars because of it.
I washed sheets, blankies, clothes, towels, anything his bacteria had come in contact with.  Ugh- poor baby boy.

Once we had that under control, Makenna started having goop in her eye.  Yes- pink eye.  I mean- what?!  Another doctor visit, please.  And then yet again, double ear infection! 

The thing about all this stuff-- we've never had ANY of it!  Parenting can get ugly, huh!?  :)

Here's to a healthy start in 2012!

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