Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gooooooooo Cyclones!

We had the most amazing weekend!!!  After my first MOPS meeting of the year (which totally rocked, btw) the kids and I picked up one of Ben's closest buddies, Dr. Mike Lampe from the aeropuerto.  Had a bite to eat here at the house, Mom took over the reins, and we headed out in my Gma's mini. If you go straight north on I-35, you'll reach an 'ole college town by the name of Ames, Iowa. 

Some of Ben's fondest memories (don't ask about the specifics...Ben doesn't remember a whole heckuv a lot!) were made there. Most of the mid-90's he was enjoying his Friday afternoons at People's, early Saturday mornings at the Tip Top, and Saturday nights with his AGR brothers causing havoc. 

We had planned a reunion if you will, with some of his good pals for Friday night and their wives. It was SOO great to see everyone.  We had seen the majority of them six years ago, and then a few more around four years ago.  It was like we'd seen eachother yesterday!  (Kudos to FB.)

We were up bright and early on Saturday morn (not kidding- 5:45) and in the parking lot to tailgate before 7.  Lots of breakfast, bloodies, and chit chat.  The game itself was insane, INSANE- going into triple overtime with the Hawkeyes, luckily ending in our favor.  The weather was purrrrrr-fect.  It couldn't have been a better day...there's no way.

More tailgating after the game of course.  And for those of you that know a Cyclone fan, you know that things can often times be tough.  :)  'We loose we booze' is an important motto....BUT- in the event of a win- yikes! better watch out!  I drew the short straw when it came to being the DD, but that was fine.   The guys had such a great time reminiscing, laughing, and telling stories about eachother.  They wanted to stop by the renovated fraternity house and haze a few of the "rooks".  Of course that didn't happen, but they sure enjoyed the tour and I loved hearing some dirty boy stories.  Boys will be boys....forever.

I'm posting this now, but will update it with more photos once I have them.  If you can believe it, me- of all people, forgot her camera. Check back in...

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